Discover Your Inner Potential

Welcome to Dr. Harlan Kilstein's Home

Unlock the secrets to mastering your mind, enhancing your skills, and achieving unparalleled success with our expert guidance in Hypnosis, NLP, Copywriting, and Online Business.

Featured Presentation

Here’s my webinar on Facebook engagement.
It’s essential knowledge you need to know to build your Facebook page and profit from it.

facebook engagement mastery

I Have Four Main Areas Of Interest

Hypnosis & NLP

I have studied and practiced hypnosis and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) all of my adult life.

Back when I was rescuing young people from cults — yes, I was a cult  deprogrammer — I found that the best tools to reverse cult indoctrination were the subtle and powerful techniques of Milton Ericson.

I have also had the good fortune to personally train with many of the founders of NLP, including John Grinder, Richard Bander, Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Todd Epstein, Steve and Connirea Andreas … and David Gordon, who is my friend and occasional collaborator.

In the late 90’s I turned my hypnosis to more conventional uses, and opened what became Florida’s largest hypnosis practice.

I have also used hypnosis and NLP to help thousands of golfers improve their mental game.


When I opened my hypnosis business in the late ‘9o’s the main source of new clients came from running full page ads in The Miami Herald.  I quickly learned that Miami was one of the most expensive media markets in the world.

I was literally forced to learn how to write ads (copywriting is the craft of writing words that sell).  When you are investing $6,000.00  up to $10,000.00 every Monday, your ads have to perform, and perform well.  This was trial by fire.

I went full-time into copywriting in 2002.  I worked with some of the finest teachers on the planet, John Carleton, David Garfinkel, and many others.

I’ve been blessed with outstanding clients too, the kind of clients that listened to my “expensive experience” about what kinds of tough, gritty, in-your-face ads really make the cash registers ring.  I’ve been fortunate enough to take several businesses up into the $100 million dollar range.

I have several copywriting courses that I’m very proud of.

Personal Development

I think it’s fair to say I’m a self-improvement junkie.

I have studied Yoga with the finest teachers all across America.  I love fitness too, and often work with a personal trainer.  I’m very proud of my fitness training program over at

My various courses over the years have helped tens of thousands of people improve the:

  • emotional
  • mental
  • physical
  • social
  • spiritual

aspects of their lives.

Online Business

I am perhaps best known for teaching and coaching people how create and run their own profitable online business.

When I started working on the internet, I was determined to create an online business – for both personal and financial reasons.  My first product combined hypnosis, NLP, and my skills as a teacher — and it was a hit! had the good fortune to be a big winner right at the beginning, and it continues to do well today.

But my students are what I am most proud of as an online business coach and teacher.

Many have surpassed me, and gone on to build online empires worth tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars.

A Selection Of My Best Courses

Value Based Copywriting

Value Based Copywriting

Make More Money As A Copywriter Than You Ever Thought Possible. Legal Disclaimer: If you can’t use Value Based Copy to earn higher paychecks as a copywriter, check your pulse. From: Harlan Kilstein, Ever since I threw my hat into the...

Money Acceleration Matrix

Money Acceleration Matrix

Money Acceleration Matrix What Is The Money Acceleration Matrix? It Forces Your Mind To Achieve Success And Money Research has proven that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin resonating in tune with that beat. Click...

NLP Copywriting

NLP Copywriting

NLP Copywriting Here’s How You Can Get  Really Proficient  In The Use of NLP and Copy In The Shortest Possible Time. Here’s just a few of the things you will learn … how to: convert more prospects into clients willing to pay you higher fees...

The Millionaire Test

The Millionaire Test

We all have “Money Maps”  imprinted in our mind. The beliefs and values that make up your Money Maps will, more than anything else, determine your financial life.  You can know everything about business, sales, stocks, real estate, mutual...

SuperSite Formula

SuperSite Formula

She was a right-wing blogger actively campaigning for the impeachment of President Clinton. Suddenly she saw the light. Seemingly overnight she launched a left-wing blog that grew like a weed on steroids. Until AOL made her an offer she couldn’t...

Thirty Minute Cash

Thirty Minute Cash

Learn more about Thirty Minute Cash Thirty Minute Cash Just 30 Minutes Work Time From the time you finish our training, you can be hauling in money in just about 30 minutes. Wash – Rinse – Repeat – as often as you wish. The sky is the limit....

Therapeutic Metaphors

Therapeutic Metaphors

Therapeutic Metaphors With David Gordon Metaphors are more than a way to talk about an experience. Metaphors are our experience.  They set the filters through which we perceive and make sense out of the world.  Because of this fact,...

Physiology of Excellence

Physiology of Excellence

Physiology of Excellence Some people think that life is something that just happens to them. They think other people get the better life.  They get used to not living their dreams.  It doesn’t have to be this way any more.  In fact, I’m...

Finger Healing

Finger Healing

Click here to discover (for free) how you can tap into the power of Finger Healing Finger Healing Now you can learn to use your own “secret” power to tap into the same healing energy used by the greatest Spiritual teachers of all...