Answer IOS Done For You Service

Booking Form to work with Paul Irvine

Please choose a suitable date and time for us to work together.

The done with you session should take about an hour, please mark off that amount of time on your calendar.

I will record the session and send you a link to the session for you to refer back to.

If you do not want the session recorded, please state this in the booking form.



The goal is to provide you with the necessary knowledge to carry out the steps required to get your systems working with the iOS 14 update.

If you have multiple domains and platforms needing to be verified and connected with facebook, then please discuss this with Paul during the call.

Please note, once the session is completed, the money back guarantee offer is no longer available.


When you’re ready to book your call, please click the button below to schedule your date and time.



I look forward to helping you.