I’m Harlan Kilstein
Marketing Expert & NLP Master Coach
Master Class: Other Than Conscious Sales Training
Sales Training
Revealing highly effective NLP and OTCC Sales Techniques for high performers.
This 2 Hour Master Class will reveal subtle techniques that will enable you to close more classes with consistency.
Eliminate guesswork and missed sales. You’ll have a technique that’s immediately verifiable in the real-world of sales.
What The Master Class Will Cover
- Greeting the Other Than Conscious (The Instant Rapport Technique)
- Callibrations – How to Read Your Clients Thoughts With Certainty
- Out of Conscious Systems – How To Use them For Unconscious Sales
- Cross-Filing – How to Become Aware of Your Patterns and Those of Your Clients
- A Simple Shift of Your Thinking That Makes a Big Difference.
Doubling Your Bottom Line With Your Other Than Conscious Mind
Communicate Other Than Consciously
Dr. Dave Dobson was the founder of Other Than Conscious Communication. Up until his passing, Dave taught his magic at his home in Friday Harbor, WA.
Dave left behind a handful of dedicated students with tools to help people make changes in their lives.
Harlan Kilstein is one of those people who made numerous pilgramages to spend time with Dave. Not only did he absorb his teachings, he’s been using and teaching them for the past 2 decades.
Expert in non-verbal communication
Master NLP Coach
Certified NLP Modeling Expert
Multi-level Communication
What is Other Than Conscious Communication?
Dave Dobson had the ability to help people change outside of their awareness. People came to him for both challenges in business and their personal lives.
They left changed usually without any understanding of what Dave had done.
His handful of students carry on his teachings in helping people in myriads of ways.

About Me
Harlan Kilstein began studying NLP in 1975. He studied with the original teachers of NLP Richard Bandler and John Grinder.
He went on to obtain certification in Modeling from David Gordon one of the early teachers of NLP.
He meet Dr. Dave Dobson in 2000 and spent much of the next 8 years studying with Dave and applying his teachings.
He has a doctorate in education from Yeshiva University and did post-doctoral work at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education.
His thesis studied the effects of NLP Techniques in the classroom.
Partial Client List
Jay Abraham
Frank Kern
Ed Dale
Rich Schefren
Perry Marshall
Harv Eker
Sylvia Browne
Wayne Dyer
Russel Brunson
Kevin Nations
Robbins Madanes Coaching
Neale Donald Walsh
Reach Beyond the Possible. Exceed Your Goals. Go to Places Your Only Dreamed Of.
Most people go through life limited by their beliefs.
Being able to move beyond what your thought possible is the key to living a fulfilled life.
The number one emotion stopping most people is fear. Freedom from fear is the key to breaking through old limitations.