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Brought to you by Dr. Harlan Kilstein who has made millions and millions and millions of dollars with Facebook groups.

Forget the “wannabes”. Dr Kilstein was the first to teach Facebook groups publicly and as recently as this week Facebook consults with him on groups.

Week One: Inside my head: how I grow groups organically based on engagement and content. How to know – in advance what will trigger massive response. Plus, I’ll be sharing dozens of engagement posts showing how I design winning posts. 

I’ll be analyzing posts and showing you posts appropriate for every stage of the group. 

Engagement is the single most important element in growing a Facebook grouo so you need to get it right from the start.

Did you take over a Facebook group? Is it dead? Has rigor mortis set in? I’ll show you how to turn things around.

Week Two: Content strategies: Facebook loves content. Facebook loves viral content even more.

How to find content when there is no content for your niche. Lateral thinking strategies to expand your reach.

Some of the most powerful and engaging content is also the most simple. What should you post and when?

How to find out with certainty what your group wants to see.

Week Three: Running a product launch in your Facebook group can make you a LOT of money. Forget all the JVs, Affiliates, Emails and VSLs. I’ll show you how a picture isn’t worth a thousand words – it’s worth thousands of dollars.

I’ve done dozens of launches making anywhere from 5-6 figures. And I repeat things again and again and again.

I’ll walk you through a launch step by step and show you how to apply it to any niche including products or personal services.

Week Four: Selling in your group is the number one goal for most folks.  I’ll show you the single most effective way to sell.

Many years ago – the first time Joel Comm ever spoke in public – he forgot to pitch. He was nearly in tears. I went up to bat and without pitching anything sold out his program.

You can use the exact same principles in your group.

Whether you are selling a $50,000 mastermind or a $9.95 e-book, I can show you how to get better results than you ever dreamed possible.

Use my strategies to blow up your sales.

Week Five: Working with Facebooks new (and barely known) “F-Commerce rules.” Understanding and navigating Facebook penalties for groups. Preventing Facebook from either censoring your posts or closing your groups. Bans, shadow bans, and being cut off from specific aspects of Facebook. Don’t let Facebook kill your business,

My Reassuring Money Back Guarantee

Not quite sure? You have seven days to dive into the modules of the My Facebook Playbook System. If you decide that this program is going to require you to step too far out of your comfort zone or that you’re simply not committed enough to building a successful 7 figure Facebook group and business, then simply request your full refund before the rest of the video modules are made available to you. I’ll happily give you your money back! Beyond the seven days after you purchase, I will assume that you are committed to the process. Your non-participation will not be a valid reason for a refund request beyond the seven-day refund period.

Please note, all materials are in the new membership site. You will be notified of Q&A sessions.

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