The Millionaire Test

The Millionaire Test

millionaire test logoWe all have “Money Maps” 
imprinted in our mind.

The beliefs and values that make up your Money Maps will, more than anything else, determine your financial life.  You can know everything about business, sales, stocks, real estate, mutual funds … but if the Money Maps in your brain are not set for high levels of financial success, you’ll never be rich, and every time you start to make lots of money — you will lose it.

Take The Millionaire Test below to discover how much your mental Money Maps are holding you back.  The good news is that you can reset your Money Maps to create financial success.

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SuperSite Formula

SuperSite Formula

She was a right-wing blogger actively campaigning for the impeachment of President Clinton.

Suddenly she saw the light.

Seemingly overnight she launched a left-wing blog that grew like a weed on steroids.

Until AOL made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.

Ariana Huffington sold her site The Huffington Post for 315 million dollars.

That’s $315,000,000.00

Arianna Huffinton photo

They were a group of high school students who wanted to stay together after they graduated.

They decided to start a blog about sports. People told them they were wasting their time.  How could they compete with Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, ESPN, or Fox Sports?

But these students were not deterred. They built the site anyway.

Turner Broadcasting bought their site Bleacher Report for nearly 200 million dollars.  


He started a site inspiring Christians with spiritual thoughts and songs.

Soon he began to add popular videos from Contest Programs like The Voice.

He grew a page of millions and millions of followers on Facebook.

Scott DeLong turned around and sold GodVine for millions of dollars.

But Scott wasn’t done…

$480,000 A Month From AdSense Ads

With just a single part time employee, Scott launched a new site called ViralNova.

He runs “click-bait headlines” and brings traffic from Facebook to his website.

He monetizes his site only with Google AdSense Ads and guesstimates place him at earning $480,000 a month.

He’s looking for a buyer for the site which may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars…in just 8 months.

With a moderate amount of traffic your site can do anywhere from $2000-4000 in AdSense income.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

As your site grows syndicators like Outbrain and Taboola will pay you to post content on your site.

You can sell advertising on your site for thousands of dollars a month (people will come to you and ask to advertise).

And you can make thousands selling affiliate products to your list as well.

Or, you can even make more money – think at least six figures – selling your own products (you don’t even have to make them).

And there’s another way you’ve probably never thought of…

Small Sites Big Money

Large companies want new audiences and if you build your site according to the SuperSite Formula, you’ll have a line of people who want to SPONSOR your site.

You become a valued friend and “brand partner.”  You look out for the best interest of your brand partner and they look out for you.

You recognize that your mutual success is vital to the success of another.

As President John F. Kennedy said, “A rising tide floats all ships.”

Working together, you and your brand partner grow your businesses.

And these large companies will generously sponsor your site.

You can expect checks from $6000-$250,000 depending on how much value you can convey.

I show you exactly how to do this in the SuperSite Formula course.

People always ask me how quickly can I make money with a site?

Well this is one way to make money even BEFORE you have a site.

Two Years To 7 Figures

When I started building the DogingtonPost I picked a huge, passionate, and insane niche.  People laughed at me when I started it.  However 18 months later…

  • We had over a million page views a month
  • We were making money from AdSense and Affiliate sales
  • We were making money from sponsorship
  • We were launching our first product
  • We were named the top dog blog in the world

Now it’s just 2 years after the launching of the site and we are in early discussion about selling it.

Whether or not I decide to sell the site, it proves my point that SuperSites are valuable.

Why People Love SuperSites

Your fans are going to LOVE the content you share.  They’ll LIKE, TWEET, SHARE, PIN and Comment about it.

They will become your foot soldiers in building your sites because you are giving what they want…

Good content

And using the 14 simple methods of curation I’ll teach, you’ll never have to create your own content.


In fact, people will chase you down and ask if they can write content for you.

Seriously, not a day goes by without someone offering to write for my SuperSite. 

I show you how to choose the offers you should accept and the ones that get the delete key.

All that technical stuff about getting links built around keywords – forget about it.  It’s a relic of years gone bye.

Just post great content and Google will reward you with choice rankings on the first page.


Building a SuperSite is incredibly easy.  Just add content and stir.

Remember, if you build it – they will come.

Warning: A SuperSite is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

We do not believe in get rich quick schemes.
We believe that your patience and diligence will be overwhelmingly rewarded.
The success of your SuperSite is dependent upon your dedication to follow the plan.

To get an indication of what you might expect as you build your SuperSite, check out this chart.

You Set Your Own Level of Success

With the SuperSite method, you can set your own success level.  You can start out slowly or you can come racing out of the gate.

Pick a popular niche, deliver great content and you’ll be flooded with traffic.

And you can always ramp things up at any time.

And of course, the sooner you get started, the sooner your success comes.

Here Are The Critical Elements of A SuperSite


•Week 1: Niche Selection & Building Your Supersite

•Week 2:  Building Your Supersite Team

•Week 3: Facebook & Twitter Strategies

•Week 4: Email Strategies And Beyond

•Week 5: Server Melting Traffic Strategies

•Week 6:  Making Money With Your Supersite

•Week 7:  Your Content Funnel

•Week 8:  Attention Gathering Techniques

•Week 9:  Five Revenue Profit Models

•Week 10– Email Lists And Segmentation

•Week 11 – The Tom Sawyer Model

•Week 12– The Controversy Model

•Week 13 – Moving Beyond The Site

•Week 14 – Market Leadership Strategies

•Week 15 – Media Domination Techniques

•Week 16 – Lethal LinkedIn: Connecting With Connectors

•Week 17 – People Wanting To Give You Money

•Week 18 – Breaking Into Big Time

GET STARTED NOW: Build Your Own SuperSite

There are 3 levels to Build Your SuperSite.
Obviously, your best chance of success is with the entire formula.
However, it is possible to upgrade at a later date.


Use these techniques for yourself or LET PEOPLE GIVE YOU MONEY every month.

•Custom consultation with my team prior to building your site

•Exclusive Level 3 responsive Supersite theme and plugins installed (value $300)

•8 One-on-One sessions with me (value $4000)

•Total of 18 Webinars

•Total Value: $7297

•Special Package Price – $2497

•Or get started with $599 (five pay)

Join Level Three: $2497



Any Niche – Any Place – Any Time

•Custom consultation with my team prior to building your site •Exclusive Level 2 Supersite theme and plugins installed (value $300) •BONUS: 4 one on one calls with me ($2000 value) •Total Value: $4297 Special Package Price – $1497 Get started with Just $599 (3 pay)

Join Level Two: $1497



Create a high ranking profitable site with room to grow.

•Exclusive Level 1 Supersite theme and plugins installed (value $300)

Total Value $1297

First 25 – $697

Get started with just $399! (2 pay)


Join Level One: $699


The SuperSites Program comes with an unconditional 30 day guarantee.

If you wish your money back - just contact us anytime in the first 30 days

Thirty Minute Cash

Thirty Minute Cash

Thirty Minute Cash

Just 30 Minutes Work Time

From the time you finish our training, you can be hauling in money in just about 30 minutes.

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Never before has it been so simple for even total beginners to make money online.

All you need is the desire to make money — just follow the simple steps we show you.

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When we say anybody can do this, we mean anybody!

And remember – there’s no risk.

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Click here to learn more about Thirty Minute Cash