Welcome To My Six In Six Program

mindmap of product1

Here’s Roxanne Bateson

Virginia Drew
Here’s Krista
Here’s Elizabeth Hartenberger

Save $1000 – Paid in Full Only $3000

Save $400 – 3 Payments of $1200

6 Payments of $700

The Six in Six Program

Here's how we will grow your business together

Month One

  • Understanding the Pet Industry
  • Building Your Empire

Month Four

  • FBA Amazon Products
  • CPA Offers in the Pet Industry

Month Two

  • Your First Affiliate Site
  • Private Label Supplements

Month Five

  • Your own drop ship Shopify Store

Month Three

  • Meeting the Top People In The Industry (SuperZoo)

Month Six

  • Dog Training products to sell

Bonuses For Paid in Full!

  • Because we are on the same team, I will promote your Facebook pages on my DogingtonPost Facebook page
  • I’ll will promote your affiliate link in Keyword Rich articles on the actual DogingtonPost site
  • I Will Promote Your Affiliate Link Before Prime Buying Periods
Save $1000 – Paid in Full Only $3000

Save $400 – 3 Payments of $1200

6 Payments of $700