
How You Can Turn Google Hangouts Into Cash


A Beginner’s Guide To Google Hangouts With Brandee Sweesy

Here are 5 Reasons You Should Join This Training:

  • It’s specifically geared to people who want to make money with their hangouts
  • It takes you step-by-step through everything you need to know to succeed and make money with hangouts.
  • You will have the most up-to-date training (since Google just changed the hangouts this week)
  • Hangouts from your iPhone or iPad? We will show you how!
  • How You Can Stay On Top of All New Google Changes

    Module 1: The Basics

    Having a gmail account is not enough. There are a few more steps to host a successful Hangout

Making sure everything is set up properly and ready to get started.

    Gmail Account Set Up
    Google Plus set up – do you do a “G+ page” or a personal profile OR both?
    YouTube Channel set up
    Linking your Youtube channel
    Getting your YouTube Channel verified

    BONUS and action steps for week one – graphic dimensions for consistency in branding across all channels: Google Plus Profile (how to resize), YouTube and events

    Module 2: Different types of Hangouts – which one to use, how and when?

    Hangout Video Chat (HVC)
    Hangout Chat
    Hangouts on Air (HOA)

    What’s what?
    Which one to use for consulting and how to record?
    Which one streams to YouTube?
    Which one is right for your type of business?
    Recording Hangout Video Chats (HVC)

    Module 3: HOA’s (Hangouts On Air) are where it is at – Deeper dive into having the BEST HOA.

a. How to invite guests to your HOA
    b. Camera control
c. How to track comments and engage with guests
    d. Best applications to use while “on air” and have enabled pre-event
    e. 2 ways to do slides if giving a presentation/hanginar for your product
f. Lighting and sound best practices
    g. How to edit your video post event

Checklists for presenter and for guests to have the BEST HOA (Hangout on Air) 

    BONUS: Graphics dimensions so you look like a pro on air – one time process and can be preset for future use.

    Module 4: Marketing and promotion 

a. Where to send people to watch for best ROI?
    b. How to get embed codes and where to use them
    c. Best promotional practices, email captures and ease of use for audience. 
d. Using #(hashtags) to further engage your guests.
    e. Pre and post event information to have ready to maximize your ROI and optimize your video for higher SEO

    BONUS: graphics dimensions for all promo materials and where to post them. 

    At the end of four trainings you will:

    Have all of your accounts set up properly
    Know which Hangouts to use for your business – how and when?
    How to promo your Hangout on Air for best return
    How to track comments and do LIVE Q&A’s for best engagement with your audience
    How to maximize your Hangout for future use (record, download, convert)
    Consistent branding across all channels for best visibility
    Where and how to place your embed codes so people know where to watch

    Bonus Module 1: Complete Money Making Templates For Interviewing Guest Authors
    Let us do the work for you. We’ll do everything but collect the money!

    Bonus Module 2: Complimentary one-on-one training with Brandee.
    You get the opportunity to set up your own live hangout with Brandee making sure you’re doing everything right.
    This bonus is easily worth the price of the entire course!

    Plus this course comes with a 30 day

    There are two payment options:

    Pay in Full and Save $103

    Two Payments